Turkestan - Central Asia.

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Project objective - preparation, retention and popularization of geographical data which mankind has gathered about the region during twentieth century, and which could be loosen in the near future - native names of tracts, rivers, mountain ridges, peaks, passes.
The site contains thematic materials, which project initiative group prepared earlier, and some of them are in progress at the moment. It is planned to put these data here or another Internet resources as charges-free downloadable data.
Some of materials were already used and published in printed media and documents of projects of the World Bank and UNDP, international companies and local organizations, and are used at present in works of scientific officers, term papers and reports of students and scholars.
You could send your opinion, wishes, and censorious remarks to the address of the project. Their will be studied and considered, and, of course, will have effect on elimination of defects and further development of the site.
Also you could provide your own data and materials related to theme of the site. Undoubtedly, it will be greeted as well as any kind of sponsor's, financial, humanitarian aid, international assistance and simple countenance.



Chronology and events of the project


11.03.2005 - 14.03.2005

Creation of the site

Marco Polo 2005
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Сайт создан в системе uCoz